The 9 Secrets of Highly Successful Craigslist Sellers

Many of you will have used Craigslist, most likely for the same reasons. Either you are looking for something (a house, used items, a job or a partner) or have something to sell. You can make the most of the service by learning tips and tricks
A little bit of knowledge can mean the difference between selling an item within days or hours and having it languish for months before being resold. You can expect to get better results next time you list something on Craigslist.
These are tips to increase sales, not general craigs list seattle advice. When you agree to meet people, give your personal information, or otherwise, it is best to exercise caution. Craigslist has safety and scam information. Also, you can check out the Craigslist forums for your local area.
- Repost to Keep your Ad on Top
Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Your ad from last Wednesday would appear at the top today if all you had to do was click a button. It won’t, unfortunately. Craigslist has implemented measures to stop this. This is mainly to stop spammers from taking over Craigslist. However, spammers don’t have to worry about it. There are solutions that can be used to help you get your ad noticed. Buyers don’t want to look through pages after pages of posts. If you wait 30 day to repost (the time it takes for your ad expires), it can take a while to get it sold. If you don’t receive a response within days of posting your ad, it is probably time to repost.
The video below will teach you everything you need, but the step-by–step guide is shorter.
Before you begin posting ads, ensure you have a Craigslist Account. It’s not necessary, but it will make your life much easier.
- Post your advertisement in the normal way (following these tips).
- Log in again and click on the ad to be reposted the next day.
- Right-click “edit this post” to open it in new tab.
- Right click on the category in which your ad has been posted and then open it in another tab. These tabs all allow quick back-and forth editing.
- Click the “Post” button in the upper right corner and choose a category and a location.
- Return to the tab that contains your original ad, and copy each section and paste it into the new template. When done, click continue.
- Complete the annoying captcha code.
- Now, go back to your old advertisement (it should appear on the second tab) then delete it.
- Your ad should now appear at the top category.
- LWAYS Post A GOOD Image
We are visual creatures. You can sell anything, whether it is a house or an old TV. Or even you, in a personal advertisement. Post an image. Most people will click on images-based ads first. If I’m searching for something used, I will filter out any ads that don’t have images. If the person doesn’t upload a picture, then there might be something wrong. When you upload photos of the item, ensure they are clear, sharp, and in good color. Do not take a blurry or out-of-focus picture with your cellphone and call it a day. It only frustrates the buyer. They’ll move along.
- You don’t need to ask questions in your headline
You may find it useful to place a job ad, a personal advertisement, or a service ad. If the questions are relevant, people are attracted to you. For personal sales, questions can be very powerful. However, if you’re selling tangible items, such as a home or a car, I recommend that the headline be informative only. Take a look at these headlines:
They contain the exact same information. The first one is an unambiguous description. The second description feels more like sales talk. It makes me feel as though a used car salesman wants to sell me an old junker with new paint. Direct communication is key, just as with any listing in a Best Buy catalog or Target catalog. This is doubly true if you are selling your home. It’s okay to say it as it is and not try to make it complicated. It will make you miserable.
- Be as specific as possible
Remember that you are trying to sell something that people will travel long distances to get. They will want to find out as much information about the item as possible before they pay the extra money and time to drive to your place of business. I have seen listings without even one line of description.
Yeah, great. A ad that includes photos of the bookcase as well as information such as its dimensions, condition, maker, location and history is more attractive. It also tells a lot about who the seller is. The first person couldn’t possibly post an ad, but the second one did. This may not reflect your personality or the condition of the item, but Craigslist allows you to make first impressions.
- Do Your Homework
You thought all your homework was done craigslist seattle has millions of items posted every year. What can you do to make your offer stand out when you’re trying to sell your old sofa? Craigslist is a great place to start your search. Look through the ads and see what sofas are being offered. Is there a sofa you’ve seen over and again? What’s the problem? Why did it not sell? It was too expensive Are there no photos? Do your research. After you understand the basics, you’ll be able create compelling ads. There’s another tricky part…
- You must ensure that the price is right
As with all negotiations, it’s all about reaching a compromise between the buyer and you. Buyers are looking for the lowest possible price, so you should try to get as much as possible. If you post an item at a too high price, no one will take it. If you post too low, your bargaining power will be diminished. Craigslist buyers will attempt to make a profit, so you should consider this. I usually accept the lowest price that I’m willing to pay and add 20-25%. It’s not an exact rule, but it works for most things (a home or a car). Your sofa can be posted for $300. You should not take less than $225. You’re likely to get $250, and everyone will be happy. Most importantly, accept only cash, and preferably in $20 bills.
7.Combining items that complement each other
While it might seem obvious, many people will list a crib as well as a glider in separate posts. There’s a good chance that someone searching for one may also be looking for the other. You can pair them. For both, offer a discount. You can mention that you are willing to divide them. A single ad can sell two birds with just one post.
8. Be an avid Beaver
I’m not one to answer calls or emails immediately. Craigslist can help you sell your items faster if you contact people quickly. People will often send multiple emails to different sellers. The sale is decided by the first responder. You should be the first one to reply, so make sure you’re polite and enthusiastic. If you’re going on vacation or a business trip, you can post your ad upon your return. You can also use Texter to reduce the number of emails you get.
- Consider Trades
Craigslist has a lot of bartering options. Nowadays, people have lots of stuff they don’t need and a lot they do. One man’s trash may be another man’s treasure. If you’re looking for something as valuable as cash, tell them.
These nine tips should help get your items moving quicker than the sun rays of a heat wave. Let us know if you have other selling tips. One last word before I sign off…
Be a great Craigslister, and remove items that have been sold!
It has happened many times to me. I find the exact thing I need and search for it. Then I send an email. I receive a reply saying “Sorry, this item has been sold.” Then I get a reply saying, “Sorry, that’s sold.” What’s worse, the ad remains up even after you have searched for the item several times. It isn’t helping Craigslist by littering it with your old ads.