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Why Car Battery Maintenance Is Very Important

Car batteries are crucial to the longevity of your vehicle, and if you overlook them, you’ll need auto repair inconveniently frequently. Why? There are a lot of reasons in support. First, the battery interacts with many other parts of your automobile, and if it’s significantly damaged, it might harm those parts. If it’s not maintained properly, your automobile battery has the power to completely shut it down. You will find yourself in need of replacement.

But before we get into why your automobile battery is so crucial, the reasons need to be understood in the context of what the battery does.

Why Is Your Car Battery Important?

The main power source for your car’s electrical systems is its battery. It stores power and delivers shocks to every electrical part of your car. It not only powers the electrical components but also maintains a continuous electrical current within your automobile, ensuring that it will start and have enough power to continue operating. This is too grandiose a task for what is essentially a little box. But it’s not. Let’s thus examine its operations.

How Long Do Car Batteries Last? 

An automobile battery typically lasts three to five years. However, that does not imply that it will be ideal throughout that period. It’s regarded as outdated after three years. However, if you maintain its health, it may last much longer than three years. Keeping your battery’s health is only one component that affects how longevity; there are other things to consider.

Driving a car is different in Mombasa. If you are looking for a car for sale in Mombasa, SBT is your go-to place. But we would not recommend that you not take care of your car battery on the premise you can have it replaced. Several indicators might help you determine if your car battery is outdated or having issues. The check engine light and a difficult start are two indicators. Simply glance at the date printed on the battery to determine its age. After three years, your battery must be examined and serviced. You must then exercise caution and make sure there are no significant issues.

Bad Batteries Harm the Charging System

When one ankle is weak, the other tends to compensate by taking on extra weight and stress. It is the same with a low battery. Your automobile puts more strain on healthy parts when the battery is poor. Affected components may include the starting motor, starter solenoid, or charging system. These components use too much voltage to make up for the low battery power, which might cause them to malfunction. If you don’t fix this issue, you could have to replace expensive electrical components unexpectedly.

Batteries Are A Car’s Power Storage

The power bank in an automobile is its battery. Your car’s battery serves as a reservoir for the energy required to start the engine and keep the battery charged. An automobile battery seems to be a plain plastic block with some connections on top from the outside. However, this plastic exterior shell is extremely strong and acid-resistant, protecting the intricate internal mechanisms and materials that do the magic.

Importance of Keeping Your Battery Healthy

Good battery maintenance is all about taking precautions. Sometimes, you’ll notice a problem only when you try to start your automobile, and the engine won’t turn hum. Regular battery testing is the first thing you can do. Your typical battery should have a charge of 12 volts, on average. To determine the battery’s charge, visit a mechanic or purchase a volt tester. Be careful to keep the positive and negative posts and terminals clean. Corrosion is visible as any green or white substance that surrounds them. Don’t panic; it happens with aged batteries over time.

Always drive safely and, if at all feasible, park your car somewhere warm during the winter and cool during the summer. Extreme temperature swings can harm your battery and reduce its lifespan.

Ways Of Maintaining Battery

Why is it crucial to maintain the health of your battery? Because it is the heart of your automobile, as just mentioned. Your engine won’t run smoothly if your battery isn’t functioning correctly. This can cause more extensive, expensive damage and might also put you and your passengers at risk.


Batteries mostly need water because of battery electrolysis. Other factors are internal heat-related evaporation, a demanding workload, unavoidable heat, incorrectly matched batteries and charging apparatus, and battery usage without sufficient cooling time. While such reasons may be avoided, electrolyte depletion’s need for water cannot. When the battery charges, a little portion of the electrolyte’s water is turned into hydrogen and oxygen. As a result, the battery must be replenished with water after a specific period.


Restoring lost energy is the goal of charging a battery. A battery’s performance will be subpar, and its life span will be reduced if not properly charged. Battery damage can result from overcharging, undercharging, or over-discharging. When there is an excessive discharge, the plates suffer considerably. Therefore, the voltage per cell should not go below 1.75 volts. So, adequate charging is required for consistent performance and longer battery life.


Because of gasification, batteries need adequate ventilation. There should be sufficient room for the gas produced during electrolysis in the battery to escape. If it is not done, the gas that is created may explode. Vent caps in batteries can be utilized for this purpose. In areas with insufficient ventilation, it improves safety.

In comparison to other ventilation systems, it has advantages. It merely serves as an avenue of exit for unwanted and dangerous gases. In addition, turning the steam into water shortens the time between watering. However, gas vents should always be kept open, and vent caps should always be tight.


Car batteries run the whole show; failing to stay up-to-date on their maintenance can cost us. Over time, batteries corrode, wear and tear. To run your car efficiently and without a hitch, ensure your car battery is healthy and free of impediments.

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