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Stay healthy by pranayama

There is no better option than yoga to stay healthy. This asana pranayama is a breathing exercise that relaxes the body and mind.

There is no better option than yoga to stay healthy. This asana pranayama is a breathing exercise that relaxes the body and mind. This yoga is completely based on our breathing process. The reality is also that you cannot learn to do Pranayama in a single day, it needs to be practiced daily. Properly done Pranayama protects you from diseases.

Stay healthy with Pranayama:

  • You can do Anulog-Vilom in Pranayama Yoga. Anulom Vilom is a very easy exercise, you can easily do it sitting at home.
  • First of all, sit cross-legged and then close your left nostril with your right hand and inhale and exhale.
  • And repeat the same process with the left hand.
  • The rhythm of exhalation should be regular like the sound of a clock.
  • For a week, the process of exhaling once every second should be maintained, and then exhaling twice in a second should be done.
  • It is recommended that the beginning of pranayama should consist of inhaling and exhaling 10 times in each round and gradually increasing the time of this process.

If you want to learn different types of yoga asana then you can enroll in a 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

Precaution in Pranayama:

  • If there is any kind of severe pain during exercise, one should not exercise for some time.
  • It is also advised to consult your physician while exercising who can explain breathing exercises to you. Patients with high blood pressure and heart should not do Kapalbhati without medical advice.
  • It is also worth noting that this asana should be done on an empty stomach.
  • If you feel dizzy or have pain in your stomach during exercise, then stop exercising for some time.
  • This asana pranayama is a breathing exercise that relaxes the body and mind.

There is no better option than yoga to stay healthy. This asana pranayama is a breathing exercise that relaxes the body and mind. This yoga is completely based on our breathing process. The reality is also that you cannot learn to do Pranayama in a single day, it needs to be practiced daily. Properly done Pranayama protects you from diseases.You can do Anulog-Vilom in Pranayama Yoga. Anulom Vilom is a very easy exercise, you can easily do it sitting at home.

We hope you liked this article and now you have understood well about yoga posture. And if you also want to be healthy then practice asana daily and keep yourself physically and mentally healthy. There are different types of yoga asanas, you can also practice them like Paschimottasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Prana Mudra, Virabhadrasana, Anulom-Vilom, Shashankasana Yoga, Udana Mudra Yoga, and Vajroli Mudra. Regular yoga practice leads to better health benefits and doing yoga in winter keeps the body fit and healthy. Generally, people are lazy to get out of bed in winter, but those who do yoga regularly even winter do not feel lazy to do any work. And not only this but if you also want to remove worry then do yoga.

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