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Increase Web Traffic By Learning From Quora Marketing Course

Nowadays, quora Marketing is very important. You can incorporate quora marketing in your marketing strategy to grow. Learn to Drive Long-Term Website Traffic in Just 7 Simple Steps from Quora marketing course.


One of the biggest question-and-answer websites in the world, Quora is expanding quickly.

Visitor numbers increased by 20% to 100 million monthly visitors in just the first quarter of 2016.

You should enter right away. Compared to other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, Quora has far less competition.


  1. Quora is a long-term traffic generator

Top responses receive a lot of visibility. Every response you provide has the potential to drive traffic for many years.

viral impact Your response is visible to all of their followers when someone “upvotes” it, which is how the Quora community shows support for an answer.

Also very prominently displayed in Google searches is Quora. In fact, search engine traffic makes up over 68% of Quora’s traffic, giving you more long-term traffic opportunities.

  1. Quora enables you to become recognised as an authority.

  • Would you wish to have your topic’s authority recognised in public?
  • On Quora, becoming a “Most Viewed Writer” qualifies you to display a badge on your profile.
  • The 10 writers with the most response views in a topic over the previous 30 days are the most popular writers.
  1. Major publications may take notice of you thanks to Quora.

  • Major publications are now using Quora as a direct source of material, posting full excerpts of responses on their websites.
  • Simply enter “quora” into Google Search and visit the news section to view some instances.
  • You have the chance to be featured in publications like TIME, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, Forbes, and many more because of this.
  • In conclusion, follow the 7 steps below to get started right away if you want to increase website traffic, establish yourself as an authority, and attract the attention of large magazines.

Learn From Quora Marketing Course and Do Quora Marketing In 7 Steps

Consider Quora to be a social media platform. The answer lies in the word “social.” Help others, share knowledge freely, and intelligently advertise yourself. To do it correctly, adhere to following 7 steps:

  1. Sign up with Quora.com and improve your profile.

  • Make a killer for your profile. Headline: Your biography should make it clear to your readers that you are qualified to respond to their inquiries.
  • Using the summary of your profile, add details. Add a link to your website or a few of your best answers to questions on Quora.
  • View this list of the most popular subjects to get started before claiming your core themes.
  • Adopt their ways. Recognize the strategies used by famous authors, interact with others who share your interests, and get Quora followers (many of whom will follow you back).
  1. Choose questions that are worthwhile to answer.

You should take care to avoid wasting time. There are two effective strategies you can use:

  • Rapid-fire strategy: Choose several shorter but related questions to respond to. Look for questions with less than 5 answers and 1000 views. ideal for novices. Simple to rise to the top response.
  • Identify questions with 100,000+ views and 500+ followers as part of your big game strategy. Be ready to dedicate extra time to creating a longer, more in-depth response.
  • It is much tougher to get the most votes, but you may leverage the vast number of “following” as a mailing list by utilising the question.
  • When you’ve located questions that fit the bill for your selected approach, select “answer later” by clicking the three dots next to the question.
  1. Decide on or write a blog post to link to.

  • Don’t reveal all the information. Don’t give out all the information; just enough to garner views and upvotes.
  • Give people a reason to visit your website. Added actionable tactics, templates, checklists, and downloads, for instance.
  • Create a form for email capture. Don’t pass up this chance to get email addresses if you want to.

  • Context. Respond to the query made!
  • Headline. Create a catchy title that makes reference to the query.
  • Include pertinent photos and videos. To make your responses stand out, use Canva.com.
  • Make it your own. Use the pronouns “I,” “Me,” and “You,” and make references to your own experiences.
  • Support your arguments. links to relevant information, facts, etc.
  • Easy reading is important. Don’t use a lot of text! Format your answers using bold, italics, and bullet points.
  • For each question, include a unique bio. Describe your qualifications for responding to this particular question.
  • What to avoid: Use the same response for 25 out of the 33 total answers (I saw an actual example of this!)

Promote each response using your social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

To further assist you, I’ll once a month promote your Quora response to my email list. Enter the URL of your Quora response here.


  • Set Up. Set up a goal tracking in Google Analytics and install it on your website (e.g. email signups)
  • Using Google Analytics To examine Quora traffic, go to Acquisition > Social > Network Referrals.
  • Quora Statistics To read the frequently asked questions, go to Account > Stats.

  • Answer questions frequently to enhance Quora traffic to your website.
  • Set out five minutes each day for Quora on your calendar.
  • Use these 5 minutes each day to read responses, post queries, establish your authority, network with influencers, and come up with content idea!


By learning from quora marketing course and taking the actions listed above, you may use Quora to establish your authority and generate long-term traffic. Receive feedback on your work inside the course and ask questions.

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