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Most Popular Javascript Frameworks in 2022

The main reason behind Javascript’s popularity is its abundant libraries and framework, which it has made available for its developers. Each framework differs from the others, and each of them has its own set of benefits and limitations. Therefore sometimes it becomes to choose the one appropriate for the project. This article is about the 8 most popular frameworks of Javascript.

Javascript has given a framework in both the backend and front end. So we will look at both of these categories

React JS

The first in our list is React js, it is an open-source JS framework, mainly used to build interactive user – interfaces based on UI Components. It is the number one library in terms of developer satisfaction, interest, usage capabilities, and popularity. React uses a declarative programming style around the idea of decomposing complex UIs into reusable components. React is very much efficient in updating and rendering only the needed components. This framework has been used by many software development companies.

Angular JS

Angular is more than just a framework. It is a monolithic framework that is used for developing dynamic applications. Angular JS was initially released in 2010.  so it is the oldest technology of others. It has all the features and functionalities, that any frontend technology should have. Using Angular, you don’t have to rely on third-party libraries.

Vue JS

Vue js is an alternative to React js and Angular. Google and Facebook maintained this Vue JS. Unlike React and Angular, it does not have any out-of-the-box functionalities, it is even a lightweight framework, but its features and functionalities suprrases the other frameworks. Moreover, Vue js is a flexible library, you can use it as a plug-and-play library. It is helpful for developing progressive web applications, and single-page applications.

Express JS

Express JS is an open-source JS framework built on top of the Node js framework. It is the most used JS framework and one of the most downloaded npm packages. Express JS is even the most preferred framework for developing both the frontend and backend sides. Express is extremely beginner friendly and also enables developers to build scalable and complex applications easily.

Next JS

Next.js is React based framework. It is used to build pre-rendered React web applications. Next js requires almost zero point configuration for installing because it internally takes care of all the optimizations. It allows developers to focus on writing the codes rather than rendering. Next js is able to build the application faster and several companies like Uber, Netflix, Starbucks, etc are using Next js as their technology stack.

Gats JS

Gatsby is a React-based static site generator, that takes all your view components, and template data and generates static HTML pages and JS bundles at build time. It uses React for fetching and handling templating data which allows your application to put data from many different sources. GatsJS integrates with almost all CMS platforms very well. It provides a rich ecosystem of thousands of plugins for adding extra functionalities and customizations to your application.

Final Verdict

Above are the best Javscript frameworks, you can use any of them for building interactive and powerful web applications. You should hire Javascript developers, who must have knowledge of these frameworks.




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