3 Amazing Types Of Hand Tied Weft Extensions To Try Right Now

Weft hair extensions are extremely versatile. They allow you to experience and experiment with different hair lengths, colors, and styles. While you may be familiar with clip-in extensions or other types of extensions, hand tied weft extensions are the most popular and offer the most styling versatility.
So, whether your hair is short, medium, or long; fine, thinning, or dense; straight, wavy, or curly. You can be certain that these hair extensions are available for all hair types. This article will cover everything you need to know about hand tied extensions for all hair types.
Do Hand Tied Extensions Suit All Hair Types?
Hand tied extensions are worn by women with a variety of natural hair densities and textures. You can use this extension method whether you have fine or thick hair. Is your hair curly or straight? Hand tied extensions will suit you! They goes well with a variety of hair lengths.
1. Short Hair Hand Tied Weft Hair Extensions
They are an excellent choice for women who have short natural hair. Because it is a weft extension, it provides maximum coverage while requiring few attachment points. To properly blend with your natural hair, you will need multiple rows installed. A seamless blend will be achieved through proper row placement and skilled cutting.
2. Hair Hand Tied Weft Extensions For Thin Hair
Is it possible to use hand-tied extensions on thin hair? Women with thin hair may benefit from hand tied extensions. Thin means the density of your natural hair or how many natural hair strands you have per square inch. Your natural density will be thinner if you have a lower number.
Because they are so light, hand tied extensions look great on thin hair. Other weft hair extensions can be too heavy, resulting in breakage and damage to the natural hair strand. Your stylist can layer the wefts of hand tied extensions depending on how much weight your natural hair foundation can handle.
3. Hand Tied Curly Hair Extensions
Hand tied extensions are typically straight in texture, but curly options are available with some hair brands. Choose an extension brand that offers 100 percent real human hair for the best experience. Hand tied extensions that are naturally curly or straight hair and steam-pressed into a permanent wave are available.
When selecting a stylist to install curly hand tied extensions, make sure that stylist has received additional training on curly hair’s cut and style.
Hand Tied Hair Extensions For African American Hair
Women with textured hair can benefit from weft hair extensions. You must understand how to care for them, as textured hair often requires a different regimen. Extra care and maintenance are required to keep your hand tied hair in good condition and free of tangling.
To protect your hair, it is recommended that you wear a silk sleep cap to bed. You should also use professional products, such as a serum you apply each night before bed.
When selecting a stylist to install real human hair extensions: hand tied extensions on textured hair, ensure that the stylist has received additional training on curly hair’s cut and style.