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12 Tips for a Speedy Recovery After Rhinoplasty

Recovery from rhinoplasty commonly referred to as Nose reshaping recovery can be an uncomfortable process.

Whether you’re just getting your nose fixed or are having other plastic surgery done at the same time, it’s important to follow all your surgeon’s instructions closely so you can recover quickly and safely, making sure that when you go back to work, your co-workers have no idea what you’ve just been through!

Here are 12 Tips for a Speedy Recovery After Rhinoplasty.

  • Stay out of the Sunlight

Protecting your skin from getting too much sun exposure is important at all times; especially so after undergoing a nose job. Not only do you need to remain vigilant in the weeks and months following surgery when it comes to protecting yourself against potential burns, but prolonged exposure could lead to any scars darkening or even growing bigger.

  • Do not use Cigarettes

In both pre-and post-surgery, it is imperative that you do not smoke or spend time near people who are smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels, which hinders the healing process of your body and slows down your plastic surgery recovery time.

  • Must Follow post-op instructions

Surgeons will provide after-surgery instructions and you need to follow these instructions exactly. Any deviation from the guidelines will increase your risk of side effects, which can prolong your healing process.

  • Spicy food should be avoided

The first few weeks after rhinoplasty surgery are the most crucial to successful recovery. Irritation of your nasal passages or sensitive skin could lead to unforeseen consequences, which is why you’ll be advised to avoid spicy food until these problems heal and pass. Spices such as chili powder irritate the sinuses and worsen swelling and inflammation; any irritation of the nose can prolong how long it takes for a full recovery.

  • Limiting your salt intake

Salt causes water retention, so you’ll want to stick to a low-sodium diet of healthy food for at least the first two weeks following your surgery. By eating nutritious food such as fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meat and whole grains which are all low in sodium, you should be able to avoid most swelling.

  • Avoid Strenuous Activities

Following surgery, it typically takes 6 weeks for a patient’s bone structure to heal completely. During this time period, you must refrain from participating in any physical activities that may cause undue inflammation of your nose; even simple moves like stretching or bending over can have an adverse effect on the healing process. Once you are given clearance by your doctor, only then will it be safe to resume all forms of physical activity including working out.

  • Eat well

There is a connection between the food you eat and how quickly you recover. For instance, if your diet lacks zinc it slows the process of healing. Conversely, eating healthy food packs with nutrients supports quick recovery times.

  •  It is recommended to take some time off of work

Some think they are ready to return to their daily routine just 10 days after surgery, but it’s important not to underrate the time needed for healing. In order to fully recover from Rhinoplasty, at least two weeks of leave is necessary.

Even though some patients may feel healthy enough after only one week off work, returning too soon might cause setbacks and undo all progress made during this time away.

  • Don’t Blow Your Nose in Recovery Phase

After surgery, you’re going to experience some congestion for a few weeks or even months. This sensation is caused by swollen nasal tissues. Don’t feel the need to blow your nose and consult with your doctor about saline nasal spray to moisten your congested passages; don’t blow at all before 6 weeks of recovery time have elapsed since the operation date.

  • Keep your Head Elevated

After having a rhinoplasty done, sleeping on your back or stomach may cause prolonged bleeding and swelling. This in turn can disrupt the healing process and potentially harm the nose.

You’ll want to sleep with your head propped up off the ground by using multiple pillows or even a wedge-shaped foam pillow; but if that’s not an option, then you’re better off sleeping in a chair upright as opposed to sitting down while lying flat.

  • Cleaning The Outside Of Your Nose

After a rhinoplasty procedure, it is important to keep the outside of your nose clean to promote healing and prevent infection. Here are some steps you can follow to clean the outside of your nose after a rhinoplasty:

  1. Use a washcloth soaked in lukewarm water to gently clean the outside of your nose.
  2. Wash the outside of your nose gently with a mild soap or cleanser, being careful not to rub too hard.
  3. Rinse the outside of your nose thoroughly with lukewarm water to remove any soap or cleanser.
  4. Pat the outside of your nose dry with a clean towel.
  5. Repeat this cleaning process twice a day, or as directed by your doctor.

Cleaning your nose should not involve getting wet, as this can irritate your nose and delay healing.

Also, avoid using hot water, as it can cause swelling and discomfort. If you have any questions or concerns about cleaning the outside of your nose after rhinoplasty, be sure to talk to your doctor.

  • Patience Is important in the healing process.

Above all else, stay patient. You will heal, and you will have the nose job results you wanted – it just takes time. You won’t recover in a week, but following these steps will speed things up and enhance your surgical experience.

Hope these 12 Tips for a Speedy Recovery After Rhinoplasty will help you.

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