Malasana gives instant relief from the problem of constipation, acidity, and pain in bowel movements, know the method

Nowadays, due to eating disorders, stress, and lifestyle, stomach-related problems have increased a lot in people. According to research, out of every 10 people living in cities, there is a problem with constipation. You are also troubled at some time or the other by problems like acidity, indigestion, heartburn, and constipation. Many people have to face a lot of pain in bowel movements and the stomach is not cleared even after sitting in the toilet for hours. Malasana cures all these problems in a pinch. Through the practice of Malasana, all the diseases related to the stomach are removed and there is ease during bowel movement. Malasana is a panacea for patients with constipation. Let us tell you what is the method of this asana and its benefits.
How to do Malasana:
- To do this asana, first of all, bend your knees and sit in the state of defecation.
- After sitting, now place the armpits of both your hands on both knees.
- And now join the palms of both hands and make Namaskar Mudra.
- Then slowly inhale and exhale, you have to sit in this position for some time.
- And now slowly open your hands and stand back up.
Makes the joints of the hips flexible:
Malasana helps a lot in maintaining flexibility in the hip joints. We all get this flexibility at birth, but it starts decreasing with age. The hip joint is said to be the center of emotions. So if your hip joints are strong, you will have more control over your emotions.
It is a panacea for constipation:
Malasana can get rid of all stomach-related problems including constipation. To get rid of problems like chronic constipation, stomach pain, and acidity, we take the help of medicines, which gives us relief for some time, but after some time these problems surround us. But by doing continuous Malasana, you can get rid of the problem of constipation. Malasana means the asana in which we sit while passing stool is called Malasana.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asanas then you can learn a 7 Days Yoga Retreat In Rishikesh.
Other benefits of Malasana:
- The stomach and waist are greatly benefited from doing Malasana.
- By regularizing it, one gets rid of the problem of gas and constipation.
- The muscles of the waist, spine, and knees become flexible.
- Malasana reduces the pain in the knees, joints, back, and stomach.
- Belly fat is removed.
Nowadays, due to eating disorders, stress, and lifestyle, stomach-related problems have increased a lot in people. According to research, out of every 10 people living in cities, there is a problem with constipation. You are also troubled at some time or the other by problems like acidity, indigestion, heartburn, and constipation. Many people have to face a lot of pain in bowel movements and the stomach is not cleared even after sitting in the toilet for hours. Malasana cures all these problems in a pinch. Through the practice of Malasana, all the diseases related to the stomach are removed and there is ease during bowel movement. Malasana is a panacea for patients with constipation.