As a business owner, you’re constantly on the lookout for great new employees, which means that you need to have the best recruiting agency in Vancouver working on your behalf.
Unfortunately, this can be tough to do when you’re just starting out and don’t yet have all of the connections you need to find the right people quickly and efficiently, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
With my sourcing agency in Vancouver, I can help you find employees faster than ever before so that your company can thrive while other companies stay stagnant and flounder.
Why you need a staffing agency
As Canadians, we understand the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. After all, it is when we recharge and get ready to face another day of responsibilities head-on.
When it comes to choosing the best staffing agency in Vancouver, our countrymen have learned that they should not go it alone.
The labour market these days is competitive and, as such, can be very unforgiving. That’s why having an employment agencies Vancouver on your side can make all the difference.
They will connect you with new positions that are tailor-made for your skill set and resume so that you will not miss out on any opportunities.
Staffing Agencies vs Businesses
Businesses are always looking to increase their success by recruiting the best possible employees, whether from external agencies or other organizations.
Some businesses recruit workers on-site and offer flexible hours, while others require workers to commute to a central location.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each option, but either way, you must get the right person for the job.
Many staffing agencies offer both recruitment services as well as training programs and so it’s best to work with an agency that can help you find the right candidate for your business needs.
In Vancouver, we take great pride in our world-class international standards of living paired with unsurpassed natural beauty, progressive thinking and forward-thinking creativity, cultural diversity and entrepreneurial spirit.
What is the Cost to use an Agency?
Companies that recruit and hire talented employees for your company can take a lot of weight off of your shoulders, but what is the cost to use an agency?
The number one factor when looking at the cost of a recruiting company is their commission. The more commission they charge you, the higher the expense to you.
Usually, companies will have packages or tiers so you can choose which package or tier best fits your budget. Some agencies may also have set costs based on how many candidates they send you per month, so it may be worth it to negotiate with them first before deciding on what package or tier will suit your needs.
Ways an Agency can Help You
When you’re just starting out, it can be difficult to find qualified candidates who are willing to take the leap and join your company.
A recruitment agency may be able to help. Their recruiters are experienced at identifying good talent and will focus on creating a good work environment.
Most importantly, they’ll do all of this while keeping your budget in mind. The best recruitment agencies in Vancouver offer many benefits that come from their decades of experience.
They know what works, what doesn’t work, and how to set up the ideal candidate pipeline for your organization’s needs.
Things an Agency Can’t Do For You
Agency recruiters are skilled professionals, who can locate your perfect candidates, and make them want to work for you.
However, sometimes there are some things that only the candidate or the company can do. So here are seven things an agency cannot do for you:
– Sell Your Company Culture: Hiring managers know what they want their company culture to be like, but employees need to understand it.
It’s up to you (or HR) to show a potential hire what your culture is all about and convince them that it’s right for them too.
– Introduce You To The Candidate: If a potential candidate walks through the door of your agency’s office, then you have no problem getting introduced right away.
How to Save Money on Hiring
There are many recruiting agencies to choose from, but before you make a decision, it’s important to know what you want.
You may need to hire an agency because you’re too busy or lack the skill set needed to find and hire talent. Agencies offer diverse specialities so consider your needs and desires before you make a commitment. Here are some things to avoid when hiring an agency:
1) Caring more about finding an agency than what they can do for you
2) Allowing pre-conceived notions of the way people, in general, behave to impact your recruitment process
3) Choosing the first recruiter that answers your call
4) Employing someone that makes promises they cannot keep
5) Doing nothing
Things to Avoid When Hiring An Agency
A recruitment agency can make the process of finding great employees for your company easier. However, there are certain things to avoid when using a recruiting agency to get new hires.
Never assume the agency will be able to find you the perfect candidate just because they are professional recruiters.
Never take a chance on an employee from the first impression without considering other people who may fit better with your company culture or as part of your team.