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Top 5 Best Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Male mental and social health are depend upon their sexual health. If they experience some sexual insufficiency, they got serious psychological disturbances. In simple words, male with impaired sexual activity presumes his condition a disability. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is most common and preliminary symptom of sexual dysfunction. Treatment of erectile dysfunction is crucial not only for medical benefits.

Erectile dysfunction is also known as impotence. Though, it’s a multifactorial clinical presentation, yet age dependent. Studies have revealed that about 10 percent of men of age 40 to 70 years, experience severe to complete. Another 25 % members of this age group manifest mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. In the range of less than 40s, we also find about 5 to 10 % sufferers of this dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) characterized by insufficient blood pooling in a spongy tissue. This blood pooling is a driving force of penile erection which increases the size of penis. In erectile dysfunction, penis lacks stiffness, firmness and size for coitus (Sexual Activity).

It also involves inability to persist erection for adequate time during coitus. , it’s an early manifestation of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction might have originated from different etiologies, like (organic) pathological, psychological, endocrinological. Moreover, it may presented as an adverse drug reaction of many allopathic medicines. Before starting discussion about treatment of erectile dysfunction, we better understand it.


Understanding the Concept of Penile Erection:

Penile erection is natural physical response of sexual arousal, controlled by central. Exchange of specific neurological signals between brain and penis leads to following steps;

  1. Relaxation of smooth spongy muscles of penis to get blood volume in
  2. Vasodilation (dilation of arteries in penis) to increase blood in-flow
  3. Compression of venous plexus to minimize blood out-flow
  4. Pressure buildup inside the penis for stiffness
  5. Stretching of penile muscle up to its capacity to enlarge size

Step 2 and 3 result in a phenomenon, known as blood entrapment.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Organic or Pathological Causes

ED from Organic causes is secondary to other pathological conditions. Such as Cardiovascular Diseases, Diabetes Mellifluous, Hypertension, and Hyperlipidemia. All these conditions involve Atherosclerosis (plaque formation in arteries), which causes poor blood.

Neurological Causes

Pathology of nervous or neuronal origins will induce ED. For instance, many sclerosis (MS) is a disease that deteriorates nerves. Including this, all other diseases or conditions which disturb the neuronal.

Endocrinological Causes

One may have hormonal imbalance, e.g. high prolactin level, hypo and hyperthyroidism. Less testosterone hormone may also contribute but is less likely to be a sole culprit.

Psychological Factors

a patient may have anxiety, depression, emotional reasons and social conflicts with.

Surgical History

Surgical history of the pelvic region can be a reason for mechanical damage to any. Hence, it can account for erectile dysfunction.

Post Traumatic

Any injury to the pelvic region can harm penile erection.

Adverse Drug Reactions

A plenty of medicines, chemotherapy, radiotherapy of pelvic area and addictive agents.

Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction

Diet: A healthy diet, containing vegetables, fruit and dry fruits, with less fat content.

Exercise: A schedule of regular light exercise or brisk walk will drop organic.

Restrict Addictions:

  1. Avoid Cigarette Smoking
  2. Avoid Alcohol Consumption
  3. Avoid Addictive Agents/ Drugs

Risk Factor Modification:

Manage Co Morbid (risk factors) and.

Management of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction managed by treating its cause. Psychotherapy (counselling session) offered if required. In allopathy, there are only a few approaches to treat this. Some prosthesis (plants/ artificial devices) are also used to manage this problem.

Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction

Treatment of mardana kamzori completely depends upon the cause of disease. But, herbal compounds offer many approaches for this purpose.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Dehydroepiandrosterone is a precursor of male sex hormone. It may or may not do mardana kamzori ka ilaj full depending upon the fact that either its. If the etiology of erectile dysfunction reduced levels of testosterone. Because, DHEA converted to testosterone in the human body. In other cases, it might not work.

Tribulus Terrestris

This herb is a strong aphrodisiac through many mechanisms. Unani (Greek), ayurvedic, Chinese and all other herbal systems of medicines use. It improves sperm quality, fertility and sexual desire. It also increases testosterone levels in the human body contributing to the.

Maca Root

Maca root has studied in patients of mild erectile dysfunction, which revealed that more than 2.4 g of maca. It’s also a strong aphrodisiac agent through different mechanisms.


L arginin believed to have a vasodilatory effect in humans. Through this mechanism, it induces expansion of penile arteries for good in-flow. In this way, L arginine, in high doses, can treat erectile dysfunction having etiology.

Johar Ajaib (Behman Surkh (Salvia Haematodes)

Johar Ajaib is a Unani (Greek) herbal compound, having active ingredient Behman. It’s an over-all sexual performance booster. Also has a sign of erectile dysfunction.


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