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Importance And Key Concepts Of Grounded Theory Studies

Grounded theory studies use inductive techniques to analyse a research problem. They offer step-by-step instructions for compiling, evaluating, and interpreting qualitative data to create theories. Grounded theory has crucial importance in qualitative research. It enables researchers to conduct qualitative evaluations in multiple ways. Quantitative studies also employ grounded theory for analysing an issue or a phenomenon. The purpose is to build a theory based on systematic data collection and examination through comparative evaluations. Grounded theory is a versatile methodology that requires rigour and practice to use effectively in research. New researchers must grasp the concepts of the theory comprehensively and its importance.

What is Grounded Theory?

Grounded theory is a qualitative approach in research that enables researchers to examine an issue. The examination leads to the development of new theories. The formation of new theories depends upon systematic data collection and analysis. Grounded theory is an inductive technique in research that develops novel theories from the collected data. It is in stark contrast to deductive logic, which starts with a hypothesis and then the researcher attempts to prove or disprove it.

In grounded theory studies, researchers collect data in multiple ways and then evaluate them to develop concepts. Researchers formulate theories by contrasting the ideas acquired through data collection. The analysis process continues until the researcher arrives at the saturation sample, after which no further data will cause the researcher to revise the theory. The next step involves presenting the final theory. The paradigm reference directs the researcher’s analysis of the data in grounded theory research. Description of data is the researcher’s method for gathering data, structuring it, and creating an analytical model that may be validated using new data. There are many PhD dissertation help providers that can be much helpful for validating data.

What is the importance of grounded theory studies in research?

Grounded theory studies have significant importance in qualitative research for the following reasons:

  • Grounded theory gives clear, step-by-step instructions for carrying out qualitative research
  • Outlines specific tactics for managing the evaluative phases of investigation
  • Simplifies and incorporates data gathering and analysis
  • Improves conceptual understanding of qualitative data
  • Establishes the validity of qualitative research as a field of science

What are the misconceptions about grounded theory studies?

Many misconceptions exist among researchers about grounded theory studies. Many researchers fail to understand the basic tenets of grounded theory. Researchers often assert that they are conducting research based on grounded theory without properly implementing its methods. One of the common misconceptions is confusing qualitative analysis with grounded theory. In contrast, some researchers apply simplistic and deterministic grounded theory techniques. Grounded theory is flexible, but it encompasses the methodological approaches as well. The synthesis of flexible and methodical approaches leads to the development of new theories.

What are the methods to conduct grounded theory studies?

1. Data collection

Data collection has crucial importance in grounded theory research. Grounded theory utilises purposive sampling for data collection. Researchers select the participants purposively that can help them answer the research questions. Data collection is a continuing process in grounded theory to develop valid theories. The preliminary data gathered through purposive sampling helps the researcher gather and code the data. After coding the preliminary data, the researcher evaluates the data and moves on to gather further data. Codes and categories generated through preliminary purposive sampling help initiate the theoretical sampling process. Theoretical sampling helps researchers highlight and pursue hints from the analysis, fill the gaps, explain ambiguities, confirm suspicions, and test interpretations.

2. Continuous Comparative Analysis

Continuous Comparative analysis is an evaluation method crucial for grounded theory studies. Comparative analysis helps researchers code and classify the data. Coding and classification help them highlight the instances in the data points. The initial stage is coding the instances of every code and comparing them to one another. The next step involves contrasting the initial codes with other codes. The codification then leads to the categorization of codes into groups. This method helps the researcher compare and contrast current and past instances identified in separate categories.

Furthermore, the researcher compares new data with the initial categories of groups after the initial comparison. The continuous comparative analysis process requires the employment of inductive and deductive techniques. Abstraction and theory generation are possible with the help of inductive logic only. Abduction is also another logical concept utilised for the formulation of hypotheses. Developing new hypotheses entails testing them for either proving or refuting them.

3. Memo Writing

Memo writing is an essential method for grounded theory studies. It helps researchers evaluate and code the data. It helps researchers maintain the quality of grounded theory. Memo writing helps researchers develop a repository of ideas generated by interacting with the data and documenting it. Memo writing creates an archive of ideas and their trail, which aids the researcher’s thought process. It also enhances the evolving thought process of the researcher. Memos offer in-depth documentation of the researchers’ sentiments, intuition, and ideas.

4. Data Collection Methods in Grounded Theory research

Data collection is an iterative process in grounded theory studies. The researcher keeps collecting data to improve and refine the conceptual underpinnings of grounded theory research. Researchers can collect quantitative and qualitative data for grounded theory research. Here are the common data collection methods in grounded theory research:

  • Interviews
  • Focus Groups
  • Questionnaires and surveys
  • Transcripts
  • Letters
  • Government Reports
  • Documents
  • Literature Review
  • Music Records
  • Artifacts
  • Videos
  • Blogs and Memos

What are the benefits of grounded theory research?

  • Grounded theory research develops findings that have practical implications for real-world situations.
  • Findings supported by ample evidence.
  • Leads to the development of new theories and discoveries
  • Allows researchers to devise specific techniques for evaluation
  • Synthesis of data collection and evaluation
  • Keeps a check on the researcher’s bias
  • Formulation of theories helps research writers devise conceptual frameworks for studying a research problem.


Grounded theory studies have crucial importance in research. These studies lead to the formulation of new theories. Researchers can use grounded theory when there is no existing theory to explain or conceptualise a phenomenon.

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