If Practice these 5 easy hand mudras for more energy in your body

Yoga postures are considered beneficial to increase energy in the body. Mudra has a direct connection with your physical and mental health. You can take the help of these mudras to increase focus and awareness and increase energy in the body. It will act as an energy drink for your body. Our body is made up of five elements which include air, water, fire, earth and sky and this creates balance and imbalance in our body. We are going to tell you 5 easy Mudras through this article, by doing which the energy in your body will increase and other physical problems will also be overcome.
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1. Adi Mudra
You can also use Aadi Mudra to increase the energy in the body. By doing this mudra, the amount of oxygen in the body is better and the ability to do the work of the lungs also increases. By doing this mudrasana, you will feel mind relaxation and the nervous system will also be better. People who have a habit of snoring should also try this mudras, it removes this problem. It is easy to do this mudra, you have to place the thumb on the base of the little finger and cover the thumb with the remaining finger, this will make a fist and take a deep breath during this.
2. Chinmaya Mudra
To increase the energy in the body, you can take the help of Chinmaya Mudra. This mudra is considered beneficial for both mental and physical health, to do this mudra, you make a ring with your thumb and index finger and bend the remaining 3 fingers as you bend while making fists, then place the hands on the knees. And take a deep breath. By doing this mudras, energy will increase in your body and digestion will also be good.
3. Varun Mudra
By doing this mudra, the circulation of fluid in the body is better. This mudrasana is considered beneficial to remove skin diseases. By doing Varun mudra, the energy in the body increases, as well as the risk of infection is also reduced. This yoga is considered beneficial in getting rid of muscle pain. To do this mudra, join your last and smallest finger with the thumb and keep the other three fingers straight, then place the hands on the knees and meditate. You do not have to press the tip of the little finger, it can cause dehydration in the body.
4. Vayu Mudra
To do Vayu Mudra, straighten your last three fingers and bend the first finger and connect it with the thumb. Now you have to keep your hand on the knee. During this, take a deep breath and relax. By doing this mudra, the extra air will come out from the body, due to excess gas there is a problem of chest pain, which removes the air mudra. By doing Vayu Mudra, energy increases in the body and the air balance of the body is fine.
5. Agni Mudra
By doing Agni Mudra, the energy in the body increases, as well as the treatment of obesity is also Agni Mudra. Yes, experts believe that if you do Agni Mudra, then belly fat is reduced, metabolism remains good and digestion is also better. The problem of acidity is also removed by doing this mudra. You have to fold the ring finger, which means the third finger and press the base of the thumb and keep the rest of the fingers straight. Do this mudra sitting on an empty stomach in the morning.
Apart from these postures, you can also do Balasana, Virabhadrasana, Dhanurasana, Garudasana etc. to increase energy in the body.