Azoospermia Treatment

Azoospermia Treatment
Azoospermia is a condition in which no sperm is present in the ejaculate. About 15% of men population of the world has azoospermia while it is the cause of infertility in 1% of general male population. It is a rare and diagnosed through semen analysis. Sometimes, it is incurable so, in order to have biological child other azoospermia treatments such as, IVF/ICSI is followed.
What is Azoospermia?
Azoospermia is condition which affects male fertility. It is diagnosed when no sperm cells are found in the semen. It is more severe than oligospermia hence, its treatment approach is rather different.
Does azoospermia affect fertility?
As mentioned before, no sperm cells are present in the semen. The absence of sperm in semen makes conception unlikely without medical intervention. Australian Concept Infertility Medical Centre offers treatment for azoospermic men through which they can start their family. We have assisted numerous such couples in achieving parenthood through medical intervention.
What are the causes of Azoospermia?
In order to have an appropriate and successful azoospermia treatment knowing its root cause is essential. The causes of azoospermia differ with its type. Azoospermia is broadly classified into two types i.e., obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia.
Obstructive azoospermia is caused by blockage or missing piece in the male reproductive system. It indicates that sperm production is regular and adequate but the sperm is prevented from joining the ejaculatory fluid. In such cases, treatment focuses on repairing the blockage or extracting sperm from the testicles using sperm retrieval techniques.
When azoospermia is caused without any such blockage, it means there is a problem with sperm production. It can be caused due to hormone imbalance, testes’ issues, genetic mutation, etc. The non-obstructive azoospermia treatment includes lifestyle changes, medicines, to improve sperm production.
Causes of Azoospermia include:
- Epididymitis
- Genetic causes
- Cancer treatment
- Radiation therapy
- Absence of vas deferens
- Varicocele
- Obstruction in ejaculatory duct
- Cystic fibrosis
- Hormonal causes
How azoospermia is diagnosed?
The first step towards azoospermia treatment is diagnosis. Azoospermia is diagnos through semen analysis. In semen analysis, semen sample taken at two different occasions is examined in laboratory. If no sperm cells are found in a person’s semen, then he is diagnos with azoospermia. Usually, more than one analysis is performed to be sure. In order to determine the root cause of azoospermia. Additional tests such as, ultrasound and blood test.
How azoospermia can be treated?
There are numerous options available for azoospermia treatment. Azoospermia treatment is different for different causes. Azoospermia treatment options include, surgery, medication and surgical sperm retrieval techniques followed by ICSI. Considering the quality of sperm retrieved from testicles and epididymis, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is the preferred treatment for such couples to get pregnant. For successful treatment of azoospermia, the options should be discuss in detail with your infertility specialist, he will recommend you appropriate treatment plan as per the root cause of azoospermia.
Australian Concept Infertility Medical Centre has assisted a number of such couples in achieving pregnancy. Our team of specialists work together in converting your dream of parenthood into a reality.