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How To Make Perfect Custom Flap Boxes

If you are trying to figure out which packaging solution to choose for your product, you will probably have come across custom flap boxes. The box has one piece that you can fold, stitch, glue or even tape. The top as well as bottom flaps join together. The packaging is a popular one because of its simple construction as well as adaptability. It can package many different types of products and keep them safe as well.

The following gives you some tips on how to design this packaging so that it is amazing:

Good packaging material

The box can help keep products safe and make their transportation be simple as well. However if you want it to do this, you will need to choose good-quality packaging material to create the box from. It must be such that it can perfectly handle the merchandise without any harm occurring to it.

Some materials that you can consider for custom printed flap boxes include cardboard, corrugated cardboard, and Kraft. These will allow you to have a box that is customizable and suitable for what you are selling. It will be strong and able to keep the merchandise secure.

No customer will be happy if they receive a faulty product or one that is not in perfect shape. This is why you have to get packaging material that is strong and can make a box which will protect the product within.

Environmentally-friendly packaging

You need to make flap box packaging in such a way that it is not bad for the environment. Brands that carelessly do packaging help in contributing to much waste in the environment. You need to avoid doing this and be a responsible brand. Many customers like these types of businesses nowadays.

You should show your brand as one that is aware about the environment and wants to limit its carbon footprint. Therefore get boxes that are recyclable, reusable, renewable, and/or biodegradable if you want them to not pollute the Earth.

Increase brand awareness

The company that uses packaging to market itself is going on the right track. Because packaging is usually seen first of a product, you must concentrate on making it attract shoppers. They can then find out about your brand and product.

On custom flap boxes you should add a band logo if you want packaging to increase brand awareness. The logo should be easy to recognize by customers allowing them to see which products your company is selling.

You can even state brief contact details about your company so that it is easy for customers to contact you especially when they wish to buy more products. On the box you can give your company’s address, phone number, physical address, email ID, etc.

Be prominent to customer base

You must focus on designing custom printed flap boxes in such a way so that they stand out to those people who are looking for what you are selling. This is a way to increase sales as you will be concentrating on attracting those shoppers who matter most.

When figuring out how to design the box, you should think about the age range, gender, geographical location, etc. of your customer base. If you are targeting girls for instance, you can create packaging that is pink, fun, bubbly, etc. On the other hand, if you are trying to attract ladies to your product, the box can look decent and follow the minimalism theme.

Correct dimensions

It is important that you get flap box packaging that is the right size. It must not be too small and also not too big. These boxes will not be good for the product and do not give a good impression to customers.

For instance if you get a box that is really large, you will waste money which will be on the extra packaging material. The product is likely to move around inside it during transportation and so harm may occur to it. Therefore you must be sure to get the correct size box.

Custom flap boxes can help market your product and even company. This is if you can design them so that they give a positive and wonderful impression of your business to people.

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