Hara Bhara Kebab – The Ultimate Vegan Alternative Party Starter for You

Kebabs, which originated from the Middle East region, have become popular worldwide. If you think you can only taste the authenticity of Kebabs only in Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Greece, or other Middle Eastern countries, you have another surprise coming for you. With the Mughals’ influence in India, the adaptation of kebabs in Indian culinary culture has reached a significant milestone.
However, due to a majority of Indians being vegetarian, many could not represent this dish in their eatery or add it to their menu during feasts. But all it was for the earlier form of kebab, which meant having a filling made of meat. Today, the Hara Bhara Kebab version has become more popular due to its vegetarian specificity.
It has now become famous for being a healthy and delicious Indian vegetarian snack. As the alternative ingredient to meat, the filling is made with spinach, green peas, potatoes, etc., so you can easily serve it as a flavorful treat during your tea time or in your party starter.
Preparing veg kebab made easy
Unlike the meat kebab, preparing the vegan version with all vegan ingredients is simpler. You would not need a hot grill to cook the meat; the Hara bhara kebab can be pan-fried. If you simply want it to be more weight loss friendly or less spicy, these kebabs can also be cooked onion-garlic-free and gluten-free, making it easy to have it right at home.
If you are worried about the vegan kebab not tasting good, don’t worry; the dates tamarind chutney, green chutney, and tomato ketchup are right there to flavor up your palate.
The best part of adding Hara Bhara Kebab to the menu is you can prepare the patties ahead of time and just pan-fry them before serving them to delight your taste buds with fresh snacks. However, if it’s too much work for you to make the patties at home and you don’t exactly keep the ingredients, you can always go for packages of frozen kebabs and store them in your fridge.
The healthy aspects of Hara Bhara Kebab
Hara Bhara Kebabs can be cooked in many ways, from stovetop to microwave. Although they are nutritious diet menus, they are very yummy to taste.
If you are in a weight loss program and have diet restrictions for not consuming too much meat and oil, Hara Bhara Kebab can be right on top of your diet list for snacks. The three major ingredients here are spinach, peas, and potatoes, which are highly nutritious.
The carbs in this kebab are healthy, and since it is composed of insoluble fibers, they aid with the proper functioning of the digestive system. Moreover, these ingredients are a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B9 & B6, Vitamin K1, and Vitamin C; rich minerals like calcium and iron, folic acid, and various healthy compounds to improve health.
Potatoes are potentially used in this recipe to give shape to the kebabs. However, it can also be made gluten-free with other ingredients. Many also use bread crumbs in this recipe as a binding agent. But if it’s not your choice, you can also get a kebab made with gluten-free chickpea flour, which was dry roasted to give a delicious nutty flavor to the kebab. Green chilies, ginger, amchur, and garam masala can get you a spicy flavor without mixing onion-garlic.
You can keep the pre-made Hara Bhara Kebab in your fridge for 2 to 3 days and just pan-fry them before serving with a lemon wedge, salad, and green chutney made of coriander, dates, or tamarind with no added preservatives. Whether it’s your holiday season tea-time snack or preparing for your New Year’s Eve dinner party celebration, get these savory snacks on the table to turn up the foody mood without a mess.