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Why Students Should Use a Grammar Checker, in Seven Reasons 

Why Students Should Use a Grammar Checker, in Seven Reasons 


When college students in Quebec went on strike in 2012, my coworker and I took advantage of the extra time. In response to growing tuition expenses, we have created a free online grammar checker website for our English Second Language students. Six years later, a million students and academics from 211 countries are interested in the Virtual Writing Tutor grammar checker because it is more appealing, powerful, and accurate than ever.

 Using a grammar checker is simple.


Web forms are widely used today. Everyone makes use of them every day, whether it is LinkedIn or Facebook. Another online option is the Virtual Writing Tutor. Just copy and paste your text into the text area before proofreading it for grammar and punctuation. Even the most hesitant students are quickly brought up to speed by this grammar checker video tutorial because the buttons are labelled in simple English. 

 Automated feedback is provided quite quickly.


When you submit your children’s writing to an online grammar checker for evaluation, they will receive immediate feedback on minor mistakes rather than having to wait days or weeks. Grammar checkers speed up the feedback process for teachers whose pupils use them. 

Students are able to get feedback on their preliminary, initial, second, and final draughts.


The majority of teachers provide writing assignments, collect the first draught, give feedback, and then gather the final draughts to grade. Once they have had a chance to respond to the corrective criticism, students are given a grade. A different protocol is a choice. You should ask students to use the Virtual Writing Tutor for all stages of the drafting process, and you should offer corrected comments at each one. 

 Lighten your workload while expanding your practise options.


When you urge your students to use a grammar checker before finishing their writing assignments. A large portion of your work is done for you. We all know that computers are stupid, so while you should review the students’ writing, many of the grammatical and spelling errors will already have been fixed. You can offer more writing exercises and give your students more learning opportunities with the time you save. 

 Be a lot more detailed.


On an A4, 8.5 x 11, or looseleaf sheet, there simply isn’t enough room to describe all errors. Grammar checkers, like the Virtual Writing Tutor, do not have space restrictions because online pages can extend to fit any number of comments. The Virtual Writing Tutor is able to offer far more detailed suggestions for correction as a result. 

 Promote student autonomy


Schooling promotes a sense of reliance on teachers to determine what is right and wrong, which is one unexpected effect. It is possible to establish and retain learner autonomy by encouraging students to use a grammar checker for feedback.

 Expand opportunities for lifelong learning


Throughout their stay with us, we instruct students on how to use an online grammar checker. We can help them establish a revision plan reflex by giving them enough repetitions and gratifying experiences. Over time, students will get into the habit of using an online grammar checker to examine their writing for errors. Long after they have finished their English course, students will benefit from developing this habit of lifetime learning. 


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