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Comprehensive building maintenance: the points you need to know

Comprehensive building maintenance: the points you need to know

As time goes by, buildings age, affecting all users who live and/or work in it and it is necessary to carry out comprehensive building maintenance by The hands of professionals, in charge of carrying out preventive management so that all the work is carried out. As it should.

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Building maintenance

When we talk about the maintenance manual for public buildings and their facilities, we refer to basing the strategy on concrete actions, focused on providing support so that we carry a maintenance plan for facilities and equipment out.

Each installation is a world, and it is worth getting in touch with professionals to avoid this type of damage, which, over time, worsens, preventing the building Maintenance plan from being carried out quickly in the future and increasing costs. Total costs. It also largely depends on whether the maintenance affects communities with not only a building but also a common area.

This building maintenance manual brings with it all kinds of qualified personnel, such as plumbers and electricians, in charge of ensuring that we carry the execution out in the best possible way.

The integral maintenance manual for buildings and facilities shows the deadlines and how they carried out the revisions, as stated in the Technical Building Code.


  • 1 What activities must be carried out in a comprehensive building maintenance plan?
    • 1.1 Legal technical maintenance
    • 1.2 Issuance of legal certificates
    • 1.3 Scope of comprehensive maintenance
    • 1.4 Voluntary preventive maintenance
    • 1.5 express corrective maintenance
    • 1.6 Routine maintenance
    • 1.7 Auxiliary services
    • 1.8 ITE (Technical Inspection of Buildings)
    • 1.9 Expert reports
    • 1.10 Prevention plans
    • 1.11 Bookkeeping for building maintenance
    • 1.12 Periodic reports
    • 1.13 Restoration
    • 1.14 Energy advice

What activities need to be carried out in a comprehensive building maintenance plan?

For any professional maintenance company, the activities that must be carried out, according to the building’s use and maintenance manual, are:

Legal technical maintenance

For this service, as legal regulations regulate it, it is necessary that you carry it with you.

Issuance of legal certificates

The certificates issued according to current regulations are:

  • Replacement of the systems responsible for detecting and protecting against fires.
  • Elevator review.
  • Check heating and cooling equipment.

Comprehensive maintenance scope

It is vitally important that, when a project is being developed, all the equipment on which maintenance is going to be carried out is detailed, establishing priority ranges and the frequency with which it will be done on each of them.

  • When carrying out building maintenance, a document is necessary in which we showed all the tasks shown, in order of priority, so that we fulfill the objectives, as we carry the actions out in each of them.
  • When this project is carried out, a preventive maintenance plan needs to be carried out.

Voluntary preventive maintenance

Project-based on small repairs comprises installing the signage, checking the water pipes, and inspecting the tests of the systems. There are several types of them, depending on the season:

  • Start-up heating and cooling systems.
  • Maintain visual control in children’s areas and sports facilities.
  • Activate water purification equipment and maintain outdoor furniture.

Express corrective maintenance

Its aim is to solve those small failures that can cause greater damage.

Examples of corrective maintenance:

  • Garage doors.
  • Off lights.
  • Water leaks.
  • Automatic gatekeepers.

Routine maintenance

This maintenance delays the aging of the infrastructure as much as possible. We made it up:

  • General cleaning: cleaning of terraces, anti-Legionella treatments, waxing, cryogenic cleaning treatments, cleaning of glass buildings, and waste management, among others.
  • Gardening: plant care, sweeping cleaning, fertilization, irrigation, and replanting, among others.

Auxiliary services

The auxiliary services that are part of the maintenance of public buildings are sworn guards, lifeguards, doormen, concierges, and so forth

ITE (Technical Inspection of Buildings)

The Law shows buildings must undergo a mandatory technical inspection. Depending on the Autonomous Community in which you are located, this time may vary.

Expert reports

Documents carried out by a technical expert. Thanks to them, all the details that have to do with the building are known, as well as its guarantees and damages.

If a real estate operation is involved, the Law will protect them.

Prevention plans

The prevention plans used are:

  • Review and pest control.
  • Fire plan.
  • Control and prevention of organisms and diseases.

Preparation of books for the maintenance of buildings

Incidents, revisions, and repairs that have been carried out will be indicated in this book. It must be available to the owners so that they can make use of it.

Periodic reports

We will make a periodic report on the state of the facilities:

  • Works done.
  • Planning and costs.


We carried out the restoration of the exterior areas, as well as facades and walls. I did it inside buildings.

Energy advice

Through energy consulting and auditing, we achieve it is better used, and that consumption is not wasted, favoring the care and maintenance of the environment:

  • We proceed to the installation of twilight sensors and automatic on and off.
  • Automatic lighting clocks are regulated 
  •  Automatic lighting clocks 
  • Automatic lighting clocks 
  • Automatic lighting clocks adapt to time and weather changes because of the seasons.
  • Thermostats are implemented, and responsible for turning the heating and cooling systems on and off.

Comprehensive building maintenance entails all the actions previously dictated. In this way, it is achieved that we carry the operation of all the facilities out in the most efficient way possible, promoting that the cost is low and that any user can enjoy both the interior and exterior areas of the infrastructure.


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