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A Beginner Guide To ESA Letter for Housing

An Emotional Support Animal is not just like other pets, a cute and fluffy creature. It can be part of their treatment if someone faces mental health issues. Mental health issues are increasing at a peak. Even a six-year-old kid is seen saying I’m getting stressed. In that kind of situation, medications can’t work in all cases. Some people like to be around pets. If a person like being around a pet and facing a mental health issue, then an ESA can be a perfect solution for mental health issues. An Emotional Support Animal heals someone’s mental health with companionship. In this way, a person feeling alone will never feel the same. When living with an ESA, it is essential to have an ESA letter for housing. Let’s get familiar with this term.

ESA Housing Letter

ESA Housing Letter is a legal document signed by a licensed mental healthcare expert. This document acts as proof that a person is facing mental health issues and needs an ESA to get through mental difficulties.

Why is it important to have this letter? A landlord can easily deny keeping your ESA in the building if you don’t have any legal proof to prove that your pet is a part of your treatment.

If a person has this letter, the landlord can’t deny keeping ESA in the building.

Housing Laws for Emotional Support Animal

U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development executed a housing law to protect emotional support animals. Fair Housing law was introduced to protect ESA Owners from landlord discrimination.

According to this law, a person with mental health issues can live with an ESA on rental property. The landlord can’t deny this request and can’t also charge an extra fee for this. 

Easy Way to Apply For ESA Letter

Some people find it difficult to go to a doctor and apply for an ESA letter there. Don’t worry about it if you feel the same. You can apply online also. For that, you need to find a platform that provides ESA letters. Make sure the source is trusted. You can also check their reviews on the internet. It will give you an idea about their service. Follow these steps to go further:

  1. A questionnaire will be shown when you enter the website and apply there. It will hardly take 3 minutes to fill that. There will be some questions about your personal information and pet if you have any. Some websites also help people with their recommendations. If you don’t have a pet also, there will be questions about your mental health. Fill out that form, honestly.
  2. Licensed mental healthcare will check your details and verify if you’re eligible for ESA Letter or not. In case they need additional information, they can call you.
  3. After 24 hours of filling out the form, you’ll receive your ESA letter via Email.

In this way, you can get a valid ESA Letter. There are certain cases when a landlord can deny your request to keep an ESA. These can be when ESA is harmful to the landlord or neighbors and also if ESA is damaging the property. Therefore, ESA should be well-behaved.



Andrew Max

I'm pet lover with two dogs and one cat. With my fine research and writing skills, I'm able to pen down my thoughts on animals. I like enjoying nature's views, that's why most of the times I'm found camping. I'm working for a company that provides ESA letter to people living in USA.

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