A Diagnosis and Treatment Guide for Bulimia Nervosa

Usually called Bulimia, Bulimia Nervosa is a serious eating disorder that can pose a serious threat to an individual’s life. In order to get rid of extra calories in an unhealthy way, people with bulimia secretly binge, consuming a lot of food with no control over it.
It is possible for those with bulimia to use different methods to lose calories and prevent weight gain. Frequently self-induced vomiting after bingeing is a common occurrence, as well as the misuse of laxatives, weight loss supplements, diuretics, and enemas. Fasting, strict dieting, excessive exercise, or other means of eliminating calories and preventing weight gain are also options.
In order to manage bulimia, you probably spend a lot of time worrying about the way you look and how you feel. You may evaluate yourself harshly and critically based on what you perceive to be your shortcomings. A difficult aspect of bulimia is the fact that it is related to one’s self-image, not just food. You can improve your self-esteem, adopt healthier eating patterns, and reverse serious complications with effective treatment, however.
What is the Diagnosis of Bulimia Nervosa?
Performing a physical examination is the first step toward diagnosing bulimia nervosa. It will be necessary to provide them with your medical history and symptoms. Your healthcare provider shouldn’t be surprised if you’re nervous. They are interested in helping you get better. Your eating habits should be discussed honestly with your healthcare provider.
When you meet the following criteria for bulimia nervosa, your health care provider will diagnose you with the illness:
- When you binge eat, do you repeat the same behavior?
- How do you feel about eating during an episode? Do you feel as if you don’t have any control over it?
- Purging behaviors that are inappropriate are you engaging in?
- During the past three months, have you experienced binge eating at least once a week?
- Is your self-image strongly influenced by the size and shape of your body?
Bulimia cannot be specifically diagnosed with laboratory tests. In order to determine the effects of bulimia on your health, your healthcare provider may order tests. Testing includes the following:
- An examination of the blood.
- Analyze your urine.
- Test to determine kidney function.
- EKG (electrocardiogram).
Bulimia may require a combination of psychotherapy and antidepressants for treatment, but psychotherapy may be most effective when combined with antidepressants.
A team approach is generally used in treating eating disorders, including patients, families, doctors, mental health professionals, and dietitians who specialize in treating them. If you are receiving care from a case manager, they will coordinate the process.
Considerations and treatment options for bulimia are discussed here.
The goal of psychotherapy is to discuss your bulimia and related issues with a mental health professional. It is also known as talking therapy or psychological counseling. Symptoms of bulimia can be improved by these types of psychotherapy:
- A cognitive behavioral therapy program to help you normalize your eating patterns and identify negative, unhealthy beliefs and behaviors and replace them with a positive, healthy outlook
- A family-based treatment program helps parents intervene to prevent their teenager’s eating habits and help them regain control over their eating, as well as deal with family problems caused by bulimia.
- Psychotherapy that enhances your communication and problem-solving skills while addressing difficulties in your close relationships
The type of psychotherapy your mental health professional will use and the evidence that it can be helpful for treating bulimia should be discussed with him or her beforehand.
A combination of antidepressants and psychotherapy may reduce bulimia symptoms. In addition to fluoxetine (Prozac), the only FDA-approved antidepressant specifically approved for bulimia treatment is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which may help regardless of depression level.
Nutrition education
In order to avoid hunger and cravings as well as to provide good nutrition, dietitians can help you design an eating plan that will help you establish healthy eating habits. Overcoming bulimia requires regular food intake and not restricting food intake.
There are usually non-hospital treatments for bulimia. It is possible, however, that you will need hospital treatment if your symptoms are severe and associated with serious health complications. It is possible to attend a day treatment program instead of an inpatient program if you have an eating disorder.
How can I prevent Bulimia Nervosa?
It is important to know the warning signs of bulimia if it runs in your family so that you may recognize the problem before it gets out of hand. The sooner you begin treatment, the easier it is to break unhealthy eating patterns.
The treatment of anxiety and depression can help reduce your risk of developing bulimia nervosa.
Parents and educators can also tell their children that media portrayals of an “ideal” body type are not accurate. Aside from being unhealthy, it can also be dangerous.