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QuickBooks Error 6143: A Detailed Guide with Reliable Resolutions

QuickBooks Error 6143 is a commonly encountered company file error that mostly arises due to corruption or damage in the company file. This technical error is generally put in the 6000 error series by various experts, and it prevents users from successfully accessing their desired company file.

Some effective resolutions to tackle this intricate company file problem have been elucidated in this technical blog.

Irritated by QuickBooks Error 6143? Simply dial 1-855-856-0042 to get effective guidance to resolve this error from our QB Experts Team.

Error Message 6143 in QuickBooks: Most Probable Reasons

The most prominent factors that usually cause Error Message 6143 in QuickBooks are listed below:

  • As mentioned before, corruption in the company file is the most common cause of this error. In addition, damaged configuration files on the user’s computer can also lead to QB Error 6143.
  • If the folder in which the company file is saved is damaged or if the Windows on the system is outdated, then this error can easily pop up on the screen.

Recommended to read: Detailed Guide with Reliable Resolutions QuickBooks Error 80070057

Most Effective Resolutions to Tackle 6143 Error Code in QB Desktop

The best and most reliable resolutions to eliminate 6143 Error Code in QB Desktop are listed below:

Resolution 1: Terminate this company file issue easily by scanning your company file through the QB File Doctor tool

  • On Intuit’s website, you have to locate the correct link to download the QB Tool Hub on your system,and once you tap on that link, the QB Tool Hub will get swiftly downloaded on your computer, after which you have to open up the ‘QuickBooksToolHub.exe’ file.
  • As soon as the ‘QuickBooksToolHub.exe’ file is opened, you will obtain the valid steps to install the tool hub on your system, and you are required to follow all such steps correctly in order to ensure precise installation of the tool hub.
  • Now, simply double-click on the QB Tool Hub icon to launch it on your computer and then head towards the ‘Company File Issues’ tab so that you can successfully choose the ‘Run QuickBooks File Doctor’ tool.
  • If you don’t see your company file inside the QB File Doctor tool, you can easily utilize the ‘Browse and search’ option to find it; then you must hit the ‘Continue’ button and, thereafter, simply enter the QB admin credentials to start the QB File Doctor’s execution.
  • Allow the QB File Doctor the necessary time to finish the scanning process, after which you will be able to successfully access the required company file.

Resolution 2: Simply establish a fresh name on the required configuration files to easily weed out this technical problem

  • Go to the precise location where the company file folder is situated, and once you open up that folder, you need to look for those configuration files that have ‘.ND’ and ‘.TLG’ as file extensions (Network Data and Transaction Log File) and furthermore, these files should possess a name identical to the company file.
  • After identifying both these files, you must right-click on their icons to choose the ‘Rename’ option and then you will be able to put a word like ‘oldboxhitfile’ at the end of their names.
  • You can understand the previous step through this example: ‘compnewid.qbw.nd.oldboxhitfile’ and ‘compnewid.qbw.tlg.oldboxhitfile’.
  • Save the newly-established names on both files by hitting the ‘Enter’ key, and then you can proceed further to access the company file successfully.

QuickBooks Error 6143 can be rooted out of your system through the precise implementation of the resolutions explained above. For more technical help, dial 1-855-856-0042 to contact our QB Professionals Team.

Also read: QuickBooks Error 1722: Effective Ways to Tackle This Error


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