Dental Trauma

Dental trauma can be described as physical damage to the gums, teeth, alveolar bone (the bone that houses the sockets for teeth) as well as the soft tissues of the mouth such as the tongue and the lips.
Sports injuries or accidents are the main causes of dental trauma. The majority of these accidents are not too serious, for instance, broken teeth. Losing a tooth, or having it completely knocked out is less the norm, however, the consequences are much more serious. The type, location, and severity of each damage determine the most appropriate treatment options for Dental trauma. It is crucial to get a dental examination by a dentist in your area or an endodontist, regardless of how serious the damage is thorough dental exam is required to find any other not-so-recognized damage that may have occurred to your teeth nearby as a result of the injury.
Dental injuries can be classified according to their severity. damage that is can be determined by the kind of tissue damaged and the degree of damage caused.
The types of traumas to the teeth
- Tooth concussion is the least severe kind of injury that can occur to teeth. When a tooth is injured, the ligaments of the periodontal area may be stretched and, in some cases, be cut. However, there’s enough support to keep the tooth within the socket, which results in no significant growth in mobility. The tooth might feel sensitive or become sensitive after being diagnosed. The gums around the tooth can be inflamed and begin to bleed as well. In the majority of these instances, the dental pulp’s neurovascular tissues remain unaffected.
- A subluxation can be described as an aggravation of concussion. The damage is more severe to the ligament of the periodontal which is characterized by more damaged fibers and gingival capillaries are stretched also. While the tooth remains inside its socket injury can cause mild to severe tooth movement. Sometimes, bleeding can be visible in the gingiva surrounding it. In this kind of injury, the neurovascular bundle of the pulp might be a little damaged.
Extrusion, also known as Extrusive Luxation
- An Extrusion happens when a tooth has dislodged as a result of a significant injury. The luxation is always accompanied by an incomplete (and sometimes total) tear in the ligament that connects the periodontal area and significant damage or complete destruction of the pulp’s blood vessels as well as nerve fibers. The likelihood of complete dental pulp healing decreases by about 50% when the tooth is moved by 5 millimeters or more. The tooth was displaced from the socket of the tooth by extrusive luxation, in the direction that is usually in line with the tooth’s root’s orientation. Since a portion of the tooth root is been exposed and the tooth appears to be growing longer. Most of the time the alveolar bone inside the tooth socket has not been damaged.
Intrusive Luxation:
- The tooth moved further into the socket of the alveolar as a result of the luxation. The alveolar bone was crushed and compressed. It is also broken. The ligament of the periodontal along with the nerve and blood vessels of the pulp connections, get torn and crushed as well. The tooth is completely hidden in the jawbone and may even get into the nasal cavity in some instances. This type of luxation is what causes Pulpal necrosis, which is common in these cases.
- The tooth has completely displaced out of its socket in this type of dental injury. A portion of the tooth root could remain in the socket in case it has been broken. The periodontal ligament that connects the tooth to the root and the neurovascular supply to the pulp are all completely destroyed. This kind of trauma is likely to cause tooth loss.
Cracked Teeth Or Tooth Fracture
- Broken teeth are dental injuries that only cause tooth damage and rarely cause dislocations. Teeth may break, fracture or chip. They can also be removed.
Alveolar Fracture
- HTML0A bone fracture in the alveolar ridge, also known by the name of an alveolar crack. This type of fracture can cause damage to the socket of your tooth. This is a very serious bone fracture that could affect many teeth. If not treated, could be spread throughout the maxilla or jaw.
Dental Trauma – How is it can be treated?
The treatment is based on the kind and degree. Below are the treatments based on several kinds.
1. For chipped, broken, or cracked teeth
If the crown of your tooth has broken or chipped the crown can be repaired by attaching the damaged area or placing a tooth-colored or tooth-colored filling. If a significant part of your crown was chipped it is possible to fix it using an artificial also known as a “cap.” Root canal therapy is necessary when the pulp is exposed or damaged due to the fracture of the crown.
2. For Dislodged Luxated Teeth
The tooth is repositioned and then stabilized by an endodontist. Permanent teeth that are damaged usually need root canal treatment. In the course of the procedure, medication can be injected into your tooth. If the procedure is completed and considered to be successful the permanent crown or filling for the root canal is scheduled for a later stage.
In the same way, all treatments will be based on the specific condition. It’s crucial to contact the dental practitioner Dr. Michaelis if you suffer from dental injury or trauma. any delay will only make the problem worsen the problem.