7 Tips On How To Make Your Steam Boiler Workshop Engaging

Steam boilers are one of the technical machinery pieces people find foreign and unfamiliar. Even though boilers seem like complicated machinery, they’re one of the pieces that almost every industry utilises. Interestingly, many businesses rely on a steam boiler for their daily operations.
Since steam boilers are efficient in many ways, many businesses invest in them for their work productions. But even though that’s the case, many decide not to invest in a boiler because of its technicality. Unfortunately, people’s misconceptions about steam boilers push many not to buy one.
Today, many steam boiler manufacturer companies exist. Many provide training and maintenance workshops for users to learn more about boilers. Those workshops are helpful, especially for those using a boiler for the first time. Of course, technical workshops like this don’t require glamorous presentations and segments. However, it should be engaging enough for people to learn how to operate a boiler accordingly.
If you’re planning to start a boiler workshop, here are seven tips on how to make it engaging.
1 – Make a workshop plan that does not use too much jargon
In every business type, jargons exist. Of course, those terms are essential in every field because professionals use them to communicate effectively. However, if you use it on people from different industries, they likely won’t grasp what you’re saying.
There are likely many people familiar with its technical terms, especially if they’ve been working in an industry that uses one. However, you could have other attendees who’ll use the boiler for the first time. That’s why you need to make a plan that does not use too much jargon.
Make your plan easy to understand and grasp to make your insights digestible.
2 – Introduce them to technical terms with visuals
I mentioned that it’s best to avoid using jargon to make your plan easy to understand. However, that doesn’t mean you should avoid introducing your attendees to the technical terms they will soon encounter and use. So you must include a session where you’ll introduce them to technical boiler terms with visuals.
Introducing technical terms using visual representations might seem exaggerated to experts. However, if you’re to hold a seminar for beginners, using visuals would be helpful in their learning journey. You don’t necessarily have to use animated visuals. Instead, have the model and parts with you as you demonstrate and explain the technical terms.
3 – Show them the difference between old steam boiler models from today
One fun part of learning is seeing the difference and growth of a topic from how it first started to today. Did you know that the first steam boiler dates back to 1679? Yet, it was only in 1867 that boilers were patented. Boilers played a vital role during the industrial revolution, changing transportation.
Today, we’re using the latest steam boiler models yet. And if you were to have a workshop, it would be exciting and engaging to share with your attendees how developed boilers are today.
4 – Showcase tips on how to properly start up a boiler, especially after winter
Most steam boiler professionals recommend following a procedure when starting a boiler after a long rest or after winter. Many businesses don’t follow the proper methods, causing their boilers to have technical issues.
With that, try including in your workshop a segment where you can showcase the proper steps of starting a boiler. Since the changes in seasons affect boilers’ performance and parts, it’s best to check the valves and ensure they’re ready for operation. By including this in your workshop, you’ll help people avoid making mistakes that could lead to massive issues in the future.
5 – Include a session where everyone gets to operate, check, and shut down a boiler
One of the ways to make your workshop engaging is by allotting a segment where your attendees can apply the tips you taught them. With that, try to include a session where everyone operates, checks, and shuts down a boiler using the methods you’ll teach them.
This activity is one of the ways for your attendees to engage and see if they’re applying what they’ve learned correctly. Also, this would help beginners to learn how to operate a boiler properly. It would be a smooth start for new owners to use their boilers seamlessly.
6 – Teach them basic troubleshooting practices
One of the things people who attend workshops expect is to find solutions to a specific issue. And in a boiler workshop, people are likely hoping to find those answers, too. One of the best features of steam boilers is that they’re easy to maintain. Having boiler issues doesn’t happen unless you fail to use them accordingly.
But even though they require low maintenance, minor issues could happen from time to time. That’s why you must not forget to include sharing the basic troubleshooting practices users can do during emergencies. If you can, demonstrate it with a boiler, too.
7 – Check their knowledge at the end of the workshop by conducting a test
I know that having quizzes at workshops takes the fun out. However, since you’re to have a workshop on a piece of technical machinery, it’s helpful to check if your attendees digested your sharings.
With that, before you end the workshop, have a knowledge check session with your participants. A knowledge check is also a fun way to summarise and cap off the insights you shared during the workshop. Try to explain the answer to each question you’ll ask as well. That way, if they get a wrong answer, they’ll know. After all, no one will use those tests against them. Instead, it’s just to ensure they have something to take away from your workshop.
It may be challenging to conduct a technical workshop, but if you try your best to engage with your attendees, it’ll surely be fun.
It can be challenging to conduct a technical workshop. However, if you always include and prioritise the learning experience of your attendees, it will surely be fun. The first way to do that is to engage with them and make ways for them to engage with you.
About the author:
Bianca Banda is a writer for Trilogy Boilers Australia, a veteran specialising in boiler and burner installations, servicing, engineering, and industrial gas plumbing.