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Test Tube Baby in Pakistan

Test Tube Baby in Pakistan

Test tube baby is a layman term which was first used in 1978 when the first test tube baby, Louise J. Brown, was born in United Kingdom. Test tube baby is a popular term that is common among laymen. People presume test tube baby and IVF to be two different fertility treatments however, they both are same. Test tube baby and IVF are two different names of a same procedure.

What is test tube baby­­?

Test tube baby is a general term used to refer babies conceived through in vitro fertilization. The procedure of test tube baby in Pakistan involves numerous complex stages. The eggs and sperm are retrieved from the couple’s body and combined in laboratory petri dishes, under controlled environment, for fertilization. Once the eggs develop into embryos, they are implanted back to the uterus for fertilization.

Why test tube baby treatment is recommended?

Test tube baby treatment is recommended to couples who are unable to conceive after one year of trying and all other fertility treatments have failed to provide successful results. Most often, test tube baby treatment is recommended when the following conditions are present:

  • Damaged/blocked fallopian tubes
  • Diminished ovarian reserve
  • Endometriosis
  • Sperm disorders
  • Genetic disorders

What is the procedure of test tube baby in Pakistan?

Test tube baby treatment was introduced world wide in 1978. Since then, many significant changes have been made in the treatment however, the main procedures remain the same everywhere. The procedure of test tube baby in Pakistan begins when the woman is injected with hormones such as FSH, GnRHa, etc., for growth of follicles inside the ovary. When the eggs mature, they are retrieved from women’s body and combined with the sperm, collected from male partner, in laboratory petri dishes. They are kept in incubator for some days and monitored during this time. When the eggs divide into embryos, they are implanted to the uterus to achieve pregnancy. After two weeks, a blood test is performed to determine whether or not pregnancy has taken place.

What are the possible side effects of test tube baby treatment?

Test tube baby treatment has its own set of risks and complications. The injectable fertility medications may cause mild bruising, nausea/vomiting, allergic reactions, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), mood swings, and fatigue. Most of these side effects go away with time, usually within few days of the treatment. Also, there are rare chances of ectopic pregnancy, premature birth, miscarriage.

What is the cost of test tube baby treatment in Pakistan?

Infertility treatments are expensive. Australian Concept Infertility Medical Centre is striving to make these treatments accessible and affordable for everyone. The cost of test tube baby treatment in Pakistan ranges from Rs.300,000 to Rs.550,000 as of July 2022. To make the treatment affordable to some extent, we have introduced discount packages.

Australian Concept Infertility Medical Centre is the leading infertility clinic in Pakistan which is offering various advanced fertility treatments since 1998. Our success rate is consistent and highest in the country. We provide relaxed environment and smooth journey towards parenthood.

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